This morning while I was sipping my coffee Jon Stoddard’s Mergers & Acquisitions Podcast was referred by a Attorney and Im convinced it’s the best damn M&A show online. 100%! No kidding everyday I spend 2 hours after I wake up on study time learning and training for new skills. For the last month I began learning Python coding, and it seriously takes time to learn how to code. But when I opened Youtube I had a message from a New York Attorney that read? “Thought this would be helpful for you to watch in the morning as you train.” This is what I found when I clicked the link. Jon Stoddard’s Mergers and Acquisitions Youtube Show. Since I am in this small Business community I immediately stopped what I was doing and watched the video. Click picture to watch his channel.
Christopher Wick M&A Entrepreneur
The first video I watched was the Talented and high energy Mr. Christopher Wick who has a growing and profitable track record of making one Transaction a year. Bravo Good Sir. This is fantastic. I was immediately drawn in because the language and struggles, challenges faced by this good man was exactly the same I am facing. But in a different industry. LOL If you have not watched this youtube show with Jon and Christopher? Do it now.
There is a entire community out there that has the experience that I have been looking for. As I watched this amazing interview? I suddenly found it was if a vail of obscurity was lifted. Matters of financing transactions, finding deal flow, and more was shared generously.
Patch Baker – 100 plus Acquisitions
My second video I began devouring was Patch Baker, interestingly Patch is a former Marine veteran and has completed over one hundred Mergers and Acquisitions Transactions. Plus Patch’s company MOBIUS marketing and media is a former client and partner of juggernaut Black Rifle Coffee Company who just went public.
All this content is so valuable and helps the Entrepreneurs who are out doing exactly what they are doing begin asking the right questions. And start pursuing the right answers. Path Baker’s entire conversation on conversion rates and mathematics behind advertising and paid ad spend was eye opening. I had a inkling that this was the case. But he just confirmed to me why so many small businesses fail when placing ads on Facebook and Google. It’s truly fascinating how he went into and shared how Sir. Richard Branson quietly took over the British Virgin islands using strategy that seemed completely natural. It makes sense. I would highly suggest you check out Patch and watch his interview in it’s entirety.
Mergers and Acquisitions Stories and Experience Goldmine
In conclusion for today’s post? I would love to share that there is a entire eco system of content out there if you know where to find it. Patch Baker was saying in his conversation that going super niche is sometimes not the right play. Look at Blockbuster. In the 1990’s everybody was lining up for a chance to go super niche like this failed American brand. Evolution and change happen daily. If you don’t change and don’t keep evolving as a entrepreneur trying to improve growth and create better value in the market? It’s likely you as a entrepreneur probably won’t succeed. The lesson’s learned from this show are truly unique. So I would highly suggest if your are in the Mergers and Acquisitions space and are researching the eco system as a entrepreneur? You will one hundred percent need to watch this fantastic Youtube show by Mr. Jon Stoddard.
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