If you own a small business or operate out of a shopping mall, where customers park is probably not your concern. However, if you are one of the business owners who also owns a parking lot, pay attention to these issues that can arise.
Condition of the Asphalt
Parking lots in areas that have varying temperatures from season to season often crack. As the asphalt ages, water gets into the tiny cracks that form. When the temperature drops, the water freezes and expands, making the cracks bigger. These cracks are not just ugly; they can also cause problems for your customers. People who are not steady on their feet may trip, and others may struggle to push their shopping carts over the bumps. Save yourself from the hassle of complaints by contracting a professional for asphalt resurfacing Pittsburgh PA.
Appearance of the Parking Spaces
Although back-up cameras make parking easy for people who own new cars, many still have to park using their mirrors. Make their lives easier by ensuring that the lines around each parking space are bright and clear. Repainting parking spaces is a simple way to make people feel less anxious as they prepare to go into your building. Don’t let yourself cram as many spaces as possible into the lot. Make each spot big enough that people can easily park.
Presence of Traffic Calming Tools
People will feel safer in your parking lot if you employ traffic calming tools such as stop signs, crosswalks and speedbumps. Installing these items will decrease the number of accidents near your business and make families more comfortable.
A parking lot is just one item on your long list of responsibilities. Don’t let this one fall through the cracks, though. If your customers do not feel safe or welcome coming into your store, they will not come back.