Understanding Your DMV Report
If you have applied for a company position that will require a significant amount of travel, your future employer will be probably want to check your pre-employment driving record. This is done for their protection, as hiring an employee with a poor driving history is a financial risk and liability. After you have secured employment, it is extremely probably that your company will continue to check your driving record at least once a year. Some traffic offenses are more concerning than others, and here is short list to help explain what a record might show.
The Truth Behind Tickets
Whenever a traffic infraction has occurred, law enforcement is authorized to issue a citation and consequential fee. These are more commonly called traffic tickets. The more significant the infraction, the steeper the monetary fee will be. Habitual infractions and severe violations can even lead to a license being suspended or revoked and jail time for the driver.
Types of Violations
Traffic tickets are either classified as moving or non-moving violations. Moving violations are the most common offenses and can vary greatly, although the situation usually involves the car in motion. Some of the most recognized tickets include speeding, driving under the influence, reckless driving, driving with a license or insurance, running a red light or failing to stop at a stop sign. A non-moving violation deals with car maintenance issues, such as a missing taillight, expired tags, or even parking violations.
Your Employer’s Criteria
When your employer looks at your driving record, they are looking for a clean slate. While an accident might have occurred where you weren’t at fault, these aren’t the areas they care about. They want fewer than three moving violation in three years, no prior convictions of driving under the influence, and a license in good standing.
Your driving record doesn’t just affect your employment potential. Your auto insurance rates also factor into your risk as a driver, and the more points and accidents your history reveals, the higher your premium will be.