Making stories work involves more than just teases and live shots. This eight-session, four-week online seminar will help you expand your expertise as a TV producer with new writing, storytelling, coaching and ethical decision-making skills.
Here’s what some recent graduates said about their experience:
“The Poynter Producer Project reignited the passion for what I do and made me a better producer in every way. I learned to be a better newsroom leader, which led to a promotion to Executive Producer.” — Jim Bob Breazeale, KEYE, Austin, TX
“The Producer Project gave me perspective on managing workflow and egos — both of which are vital with political coverage.” — Brian Calfano, KOLR TV
“The course was a meaningful experience and excellent networking opportunity.” — Sara Shyiak, CTV
The Poynter Producer Project is long on practicality and low on theory. Poynter Senior Faculty Al Tompkins and a five-star lineup of visiting professionals will sharpen your writing and ethical decision-making skills, stretch your leadership muscles and increase your value to your newsroom. This course will energize you and expand your professional contacts.
The Poynter Producer Project is a cornerstone seminar at Poynter. Over the two decades that we have offered this specialized training for TV newscast producers, many of our graduates have gone on to become executive producers, news directors and top managers for stations and broadcast corporations. Poynter graduates also work at network and cable news organizations and at local TV stations across America and around the globe.
If you need assistance, email us at [email protected].
Who should apply
This seminar is aimed at newscast producers and associate producers. Of course, we welcome executive producers from smaller markets, and we welcome educators and dedicated college students who have producing experience and expect to work as professional producers.
We want applicants to commit to attending all eight sessions when we present them live. Knowing that news sometimes gets in the way of learning, we record each session if you miss one or you want to review what you learned in the live session.
The process to apply is straightforward and simple. No letter of recommendation or reference is required. Please be prepared to answer questions about your professional experience, areas of interest and basic demographic information.
We strongly encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds and experiences to apply. If you are a member of AAJA, NABJ, NAHJ, NAJA or NLGJA, 50% tuition scholarships are available, thanks to the Scripps Foundation. To receive the discount code, note your membership on your application and email us at [email protected].
The deadline to apply is Aug. 23, 2021.
The cost is $499, which includes tuition for the four-week online group seminar and coaching.
Thanks to generous support from the Scripps Foundation, members of AAJA, NABJ, NAHJ, NAJA and NLGJA may apply for a 50% tuition scholarship. If you are a member of one of these associations, please note it on your application.
If you would like to defer payment please use the code 2021producers at checkout. We will contact you to pay the balance of your tuition if you are accepted into the program.