If you plan to sell liquor in Texas, you need to obtain a liquor license from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. The commission oversees the sales, distribution and regulatory requirements for the state. Here’s what you need to know before you sell liquor at your business.
The state requires applicants to meet certain qualifications to apply for a TABC license. Because the state drinking age is 21, applicants must also be at least 21 years old. In addition, the state does not approve those who have violated the liquor laws in the state within the past years or have received in the past five years a felony conviction. You also need to make sure that your business is in an area that allows for the sale of alcohol. The city clerk can provide this information.
Once you know you meet the qualifications for a license, you can start the application process. The local sheriff’s department is the place to go for an application. Over 20 types of licenses are offered by the TABC. Each one is for a specific application. Serving alcohol daily has different requirements than only selling beer at a sports event. Make sure you apply for the correct alcohol license to avoid delays in the process.
The filing process is complex and goes beyond simply filling out some paperwork and paying the fee. The application goes to the Texas State Controller’s Office for processing. The City Secretary can also work on the application. An eligibility and background check is performed, and then the applicant goes through an interview process. A judge hears the interview and then approves or denies the application. Upon approval, the applicant then pays any taxes required. The TABC then issues a permit. To expedite the process, make sure you have the correct forms properly filled out and filed with the right office.