Copywriting aims to get target customers to take specific actions, usually to buy a product or hire a service. Since it is persuasive writing, it needs to sell the idea without appearing too eager to sell. And therein lies the tricky part; how do you get conversions from copywriting consistently and pleasingly? This article highlights ways in which you can go about it.
What is conversion?
One way to do copywriting right is to understand the objectives of the process. Most writers fall into thinking it’s all about selling, thus alienating the customer. Conversion refers to several actions or outcomes that are central to the process of copywriting:
• Contacting the company either by phone call, email, or reaching out through social media and other channels available.
• Filling out an online form or questionnaire
• Subscribing to a given service, such as a newsletter
• Adding items to an online shopping cart
• Visiting another section of the website or heading to another website
• Sharing some announcements on social media
Therefore, a copywriter should use simple, clear, and persuasive language to educate the reader about the product or service. The idea is to show the reader why the product or service is worth their while.
How do you go about the process?
There are many ways you can catch the target audience’s attention and deliver the right words to educate and persuade. All these ways share these qualities in their processes:
Begin with research
Before you write any copy, research the topic. Research is the first and the most crucial part of the process. You need to understand what the target audience is looking for in a product or service before you can show them how said product or service will deliver on their needs. In addition, research tells you how the audience is likely to react and thus how you can guide that reaction.
During research, you get to understand the product or service’s features and what makes it uniquely desirable. You then get to understand the customer’s needs and who this customer is. With such an understanding, you can tell how the unique nature of the product or service will meet the customer’s needs. Existing customers are critical to the process since they can efficiently demonstrate to the prospective customer the benefits. With such knowledge, you need to figure out what words to use to deliver your message effectively.
Define the end goal
With all the information you gathered, you need to define your copy’s aim. It is easy to get distracted along the way or to try and hit too many goals. The best copy focuses on a single goal and then works backwards to find the right vehicle to deliver on that goal. With the different objectives that copywriting can aim for, you need to pick the right one.
A simple way to define the objective is to state your call to action. That definition will guide your flow, choice of words, and perspective. Writing with the customer in mind and the direction you want them to take helps you create excellent copy.
Focus on the buyer’s journey
Your research will reveal the buyer’s needs and how the product or service meets those needs. On the other hand, buyers go through a similar process, from identifying their needs, looking at the solutions on the market, and picking the right one for themselves. Therefore, you need to steer the buyer through the journey with your product or service. Some buyers know their needs but don’t know the right solution. Some are vaguely aware of their needs and need you to hold their hands through the journey.
Get your call to action right
After capturing and holding the target audience’s attention, you need to direct their next steps. This step determines how well you will convert the reader. The call to action is closely related to your definition of the end goal. When asking what the end goal of your efforts is, the call to action reveals how to achieve that goal. Calls to action are subtle commands that tell the audience how they’ll get their needs met through your products or service.
Keep in mind that placing one call to action at the end of the copy limits its effectiveness. You need to spread several calls throughout the copy. This allows you to convert the audience at any stage of their reading process.
Copywriting is a powerful tool only if done right. The best way to do it is always to keep the customer central to the process. Show them what they need and why it is urgent. Let them see how your product or service is the most sensible solution. Then tell them what to do to access your product or service.
Find out how we can help your business with your copywriting needs.
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