Choosing the correct cleaning method will help increase your carpet and area rug life expectancy. Here are 10 of the top Carpet Cleaning Brisbane tips to help remove common stains, spills and marks.
Our cleaning tips will also help increase your knowledge of environmentally friendly ways to get and keep carpets, area rugs, upholstery, leather furniture, floors and mattresses clean.
- Red Wine or dark sherry spill – keep the stain wet. On a light colored carpet spray with water or club soda or white wine if water is not available. Next, blot the fabric from the outside edges of the stain in to prevent it from spreading. This remedy works best on polyester and blends. Note: Removing the stain from dry clean only fabrics can cause irreversible damage.
- Coffee spill – mop up spilled coffee immediately. Rub the area with warm water containing carpet shampoo or washing-up liquid. Another option is to sponge the area with a solution of baking soda and water. Rinse with cold water. When coffee stain has dried, dab with one part glycerin and with one part warm water. It is available from your local drug store in the first aid section.
- Ballpoint pen stain – rub a little rubbing alcohol on a clean white pad. Sponge with warm water several times and blot dry. It is available from your local drug store in the first aid section.
- Beer stains – should be treated with a squirt of soda water or sponge with clear, warm water. Blot well and treat any remaining stain with carpet shampoo.
- Grease marks – use baking soda or corn flour poured generously over the spots, then brush lightly through the pile of the carpet leave overnight and vacuum next day.
- Cigarette damage – on a wool carpet, remove the charred tips with your fingers. A solution of 3 %t hydrogen peroxide applied to a light colored carpet removes discoloration. It is Available at your local drug store in the hair products or near first aid section.
- Chewing gum stuck – apply to the carpet, ice to harden, pick off the gum, them use white spirit for the residue. Rinse with cool water and blot dry.
- Orange pop stain – can be removed by dissolving one spoonful of borax popular brand is Mule 20 Borax in 275ml warm water. Sponge the strained area, but don’t over wet the carpet. Follow with carpet shampoo if necessary. Mule 20 Borax is available from your local supermarket in the household cleaning section.
- Fire Soot spill- never wet a soot stain. On a carpet cover the soot with salt. Brush with a stiff brush and repeat the process until the stain has disappeared.
- Wool carpet dented with heavy furniture – place an ice cube or 1tbsp water in each dent. When dry, vacuum thoroughly and the pile will spring up like new.
I am sure we only want the best for the environment. With billions of pounds of single use detergent surfactants used in cleaning each year, we believe that every little bit helps the environment in some way!
These solutions contain all natural ingredients – no petrochemicals, carcinogens, perfumes, surfactants, phosphates, NTA, EDTA, alkali builders, acidic or volatile organic compounds.
I’m looking forward to sharing more cleaning tips with you in the near future!